Sunday 13 December 2015

Establishment of Maternity & Child Care Center in Neelum Valley

Union Council Gurase, Tehsil Sharda, District Neelum, Azad Jammu & Kashmir

Establishment of Maternal & Child Care Center with ambulance service to reduce maternity mortality ratios through provision of Health facilities in UC Gurase District Neelum.

07 Months (From the date of Contract with German Embassy)

Gurase Valley the most captivating but remote and backward area is located in District Neelum Azad Kashmir at a Longitude of E 74 “33’ 56.0962” and Latitude N 34 “48’ 45.633” covering an area of 52,817 ha, lying between 2,017m to 4,345m elevation. The area is situated at line of control (LOC) at height of 10000-14550 Ft between India and Pakistan. It is bounded by the Astore (Northern Areas) to the North, with Indian Occupied Kashmir to the South and Southeast, Muzaffarabad District to the Southwest and Kaghan Valley to the West.  It has population of 38,428 (25,000 population in 2007 UNICEF survey) individuals and consists of 36 villages and 8 wards. The area is very beautiful having abundant of Natural Resources (Forests, Wild Life, Glaciers, Lakes, Water, Mushrooms, Medicinal Plants, Precious Stones) and have a great potential for tourism.

SOCIO-ECONOMIC CONDTIONS: The socio economic condition of community is very poor. The community is mostly (88%) depending upon agriculture, livestock and seasonal labour work in Big Cities for their livelihood. In the area no any business or factory existed. Only 7% are engaged in Government & Army Service, 2 % in Private Job (in other cities), 3 % Business at micro level.

COMMUNICATION & ACCESS: UC Gurase is 170 KM away from District Muzaffarabad, 80 KM away from Authmuqam (District Head Quarter) Neelum and the road is un-mattled from Tehsil Sharda to onward. The local transport is Jeep / Toyota as here the travel is possible only on 4x4 Vehicle. There is no communication system (except three satellite PCOs), and in this Modern Technology era here the people use letters by post for communication.  The road is closed in winter during snow fall for almost 4 months.

EDUCATION: Government of AJ&K is claiming that over all literacy rate in District Neelum is 50% while it’s less than 25 % in Union Council Gurase. While the literacy rate among females is below 11 % in the Union Council. There are not sufficient educational facilities in Gurase Valley, whereas Government has provided only 1 Girls High School and 2 boys High School, remaining schools are primary level in Gurase. Mostly schools (especially primary schools) still haven’t buildings. Furthermore the laboratories and other facilities are nowhere. The parents who can afford, their children have to go outside the valley for college and university education. The existed schools have no proper facilities, equipment and Laboratories. The shortage of staff and availability of competent teacher is a serious concern. The existence of library, extra curriculum and quality education is a question mark

HEALTH: Health and hygienic condition of the valley is even much worse than any part of the world. There are only two Basic Health Units (BHUs) in the whole union Council which are almost out of medicines. One BHU (Janawai) is lead by a Dispenser / Nurse, while in the other BHU (Halmat) an Army MBBS Doctor is providing services. In winter season when the whole valley is ice-covered and temperature falls down from the freezing point, people could not reach to hospitals of Kel & Authmuqam so they have to use local herbs for treatment. And many people especially women and children die during winter because of absence of medical facilities. Doctor or Lady Doctor and gynecologist are still not appointed by the government even in the whole district so a number of the women have to die during pregnancy complications. A 65 KM long Valley with population of 38,000 persons has no ambulance facility.

CASTE & CREED:  Population of the Gurase is Sunni Muslim and is cluster of different tribes who speak Shina, Kashmiri, hindko and Gojri. Living a simple life, community is still attached with their culture, norms and history.

MICRO INFRASTRUCTURE:  UNDP has worked in Gurase during 1997-99, it includes 2 Water Supply Schemes and 01 Hydro Power. . While AJKCDP (IFAD funded Project) and PCRET have constructed 10 Micro Hydro Power Projects in UC Gurase. These are worsely affected in the 2010 flood as well as Irrigation Channel, Village Paths, Bridges and Floor Mills. Some projects are rehabilitated by community through self help basis. However there is urgent need to rehabilitate such valuable schemes.

No. of Households

Data Reference: Govt of AJ&K Statistics 2013, SDO Baseline Study 2014

The condition of maternal and child health is very poor in UC Gurase. An estimated 9-15 women die each year due to pregnancy related causes; while the death ratios is high among new born babies. In the Village Phullawai / Marnot during last three months, 6 children died during / after birth and there are number of women who have infertility for ever during pregnancy due to un-availability of proper treatment and services of surgeon / gynecologist in the whole UC; even there is no such female gynecologist in the whole District Neelum. The District Headquarter Hospital (DHQ) Authmuqam and RHC Kel have the Lady Health Visitors (LHVs) who haven’t expertise on such cases.

When the women visit to the local BHUs of Government, there is no arrangement for delivery and treatment.  For delivery / check up purposes women have to travel to Muzaffarabad city 170 KM away from Gurase Valley. While the travel at dangerous road without facility of ambulance is simply a life threat. This mobility is completely blocked during heavy snowfall for 04 months. Thus the women have to depend upon the traditional birth system with the limited indigenous knowledge.

During the rapid need assessment (RNA) in District Neelum; SDO identified UC Gurase Valley as the most vulnerable & remote area; deprived; and no support from government and NGOs. There are several needs of community of UC Gurase identified, while prioritized the need of health and educational. Keeping above mentioned grounds (crucial problems facing by women of Gurase Valley), SDO has planned to request donor to establish Maternal and Child Care Center in UC Gurase. In this center all cases relevant to mother and child will be handled. Mothers will be educated to take care of themselves and their children, proper nutrition and health care plan will be given to them. Local women will have easy access to this center and they will not bear the travelling expenses to Muzaffarabad. LHV and Mid Wife will be fully trained with the support of any organization working for health promotion.  About more than 15000 population will get direct benefit of this centre.

SDO team has collaborated with the Local community based organizations (CBOs) in Gurase Valley for support to provide the building for maternity and child care center. A house is currently acquired to establish and run for the centre. A trained nurse and midwife will be hired by the Local community / HMC. Donor will support financially for purchasing of surgical instruments, furniture, Delivery room reconstruction and a used 4x4 Ambulance for the centre. In the area only 4x4 vehicle can travel; so used 4x4 Vehicle will be procured at low cost for the ambulance. It will help the female for movement from centre to main hospital away 80 KM to 190 KM. The project will be implemented by SDO; while all the project operations will be run smoothly under supervision of SDO team and the local committee HMC. The project will follow the process of participatory development by organization.

(HMC) will be formed to overall monitoring and look after the project implementation. HMC will consist of 5-7 members from local community, local organization and SDO management. These all members will ensure the smooth implementation of the project as well its sustainability. Health Management Committee (HMC) will involve in the process of implementation, monitoring, evaluation and sustainability of this project at all levels. A proper check and balance of all activities will be recorded by nominated SDO staff members. After completion of the project; the M&CC Centre launching ceremony will be organized in which officials from the DHQ will be invited.

SDO Field Team of District Neelum will be directly responsible for the operations of the ambulance. The ambulance will be placed at Maternity & Child Care Centre in Phullawai, which is the central point of Gurase Valley approachable to rest of UC in quick response time. SDO will depute a driver for managing the vehicle with care. Driver will have a log book and the travel Request forum. On patient family request the Information Desk Officer will inform the driver who will be responsible to drop patient at the destination (DHQ Authmuqam, CMH Muzaffarabad, PIMS Islamabad etc). Driver will be trained on first aid and emergency aid by SDO; will keep capacitating the ambulance team on need basis.

The core competence of the SDO is strong networking and group of volunteers in District Neelum. For effective and efficient use of the resources SDO will utilize its volunteer groups and other networks to meet the challenges of poor communication and other hurdles. In each village SDO volunteer will be focal person to correspond with ambulance team. The village focal person will have complete information regarding the help desk which will be established in Centre. For communication purposes SDO will utilize its functioning communication system of walkie talkie. Also the Centre staff will have liaison with 03 satellite PCOs functioning in the targeted UC. For public awareness raising SDO will display charts at central location in each village which will contain information regarding the walkie talkie.

To meet the operational expenses of the ambulance and driver and desk information officer salary SDO will charge fuel expenses to patient family with nominal / marginal fee. The beneficiaries of the ambulance service will be categorized in 04 categories; those who have good income and can afford fuel expense, patient families with low to middle income and can partially afford the fuel expense and third categories of women headed and disable headed households.

Category of Beneficiary
Rich Family
100 % fuel with fee 500 PKR / Trip
Middle Income family
100 % fuel charges / Trip      with no fee
Low Income family
50 % fuel charges / Trip      with no fee
Women headed households and disable person headed households
No fuel charges / Trip      with no fee


Project Activity Details
Time Line (Month)
Meeting with Local Community
SDO Field Team

Formation of Health Management Committee (HMC)
SDO Field Team

Hiring of Building
SDO / Local Community

Procurement Plan & approval from SDO management
SDO Head Office Team

Comparative Analysis, Purchasing of Material and 4x4 Ambulance
SDO Procurement Section

Re-structuring the Hall as delivery room
SDO Field Team

Procurement, Transportation of Furniture and equipments
SDO H/O Team

Hire Staff Nurse / Community Mid Wife

Launching Ceremony

Procurement Plan & Process for Ambulance
SDO H/O Team

Procurement of 4x4 Ambulance
SDO H/O Team

Monitoring & Evaluation visits
SDO volunteers / HMC

Develop Video Documentary / Post Pictures in facebook, twitter, website and provide it to embassy
SDO Head Office Team

Quarterly Progress Reports (QPR)
SDO H/O Team

Project Completion Report
SDO H/O Team


Direct beneficiaries
Indirect beneficiaries


1.      One (01) Mother and Child Health Centre is established and strengthen at UC Gurase in District Neelum.
2.      Two (02) female staff members are hired and trained for the operations & services for the M&CC.
3.      (01) Ambulance provided for 24/7 services of pick & drop to patients.


1.      Mortality rate is reduced of new born babies and pregnant females.
2.      Women have to easy approach and access to affordable facility.
3.      Easy access to hospital by using ambulance service; decreased health vulnerabilities.
4.      Women headed and disable headed households have 100 % free provision of ambulance service.
5.      Awareness raised among local community regarding health promotions. And health care practices are adopted among the benefited beneficiaries.
6.      Put in place management and supportive mechanisms for Health Workers and Midwives to improve quality of service and work environment in the Project area.


The planned project activities will be monitored on regular basis by Health Management Committee and SDO volunteer team; during the project operations. While the project interventions will be evaluated at the end of the completion of the project by SDO volunteers (working across Azad Kashmir). Best practices and lesson learns will be shared to donor, SDO management, HMC and the relevant stakeholders. SDO volunteer team with the collaboration of the HMC arrange visit after the completion of the project.

Means of Verification
1.      Progress Reports
2.      Pictures
3.      Update on the facebook Page / twitter
4.      Monitoring Visits
5.      Acknowledgement of Health Department / Local authorities
6.      Daily Vehicle Log Book
7.      Travel Request Form
8.      Annually report on the total beneficiaries, operations of Ambulance, Maintenance position.

Reporting: SDO shall provide the Progress Reports in every quarter end and Project Completion Report of the project at project completion with the photographs and video clips.


1.      SDO will charge the fuel cost on the patient, which will cover its travel cost. For the sustainability of the ambulance service SDO will charge fuel cost to patient’s family with nominal fee having affordability capacity. The income generated from the fee will be utilized in drive and desk information salary.

2.      SDO’s Pool funds will be utilized for the overhauling / maintenance of ambulance. SDO will also generate funds for ambulance service by collecting charity money from individual donors, businessmen. A special unit will be made which will collect funds (charity money) for the ambulance service. The majority of the fund 60 % will be reserved for the women headed households and disable headed households, poorest of the poor and rest 40 percent of the funds will be utilized for the operational cost (maintenance and repair of the ambulance).

3.      SDO will charge some cost other than for the fuel cost. Please refer to the operations methodology for the details of cost contribution from the beneficiaries.


SDO has been working in health sector since 2013, as the health theme is one of the core program components of SDO. A number of medical camps, eye camps and plastic surgery camp has been facilitated by SDO. Capital Medical Distributors AJ&K has been supporting in free medical camps from two years. SDO has provided volunteer support to KIRF (UK) in surgery camp for lips and cleft palate organized in Mirpur.

In the current year (2015), with the support of Kashmir Fund (Denmark) SDO has established Maternity & Child Care Centre through which population of 10,000 persons are benefiting in Kalamoola District Haveli. Another Maternity & Child Care Centre established by SDO, through which population of 15,000 persons will benefit in Bala Seri District Neelum.

The project pictures can be visited at the below ink

Sustainable Development Organization (SDO)

Ghazi Shah House, Near Grid Station, Bela Noor Shah
Muzaffarabad, 13100 Azad Jammu & Kashmir
Ph No: +92-5822-446663, Cell No: +92-300-9773466
E-Mail:, Website:
Skype:, Twitter: @SDO_Org

Main Bazar Phullawai, Gurase Valley, Tehsil: Sharda,
District: Neelum, AJ&K.
Ph No: +92-3556-909400, E-Mail:

Main Bazaar Lamnian, Tehsil & District Hattian Bala, AJ&K.
Cell No: +92-3000-510977



“Sustainable Development Organization (SDO)” is a right based organization established in August 14, 2009 aimed to empower vulnerable communities and marginalized voiceless groups. SDO is a registered as Non-for Profit Organization in Joint Stock Companies & Firms AJ&K (#224 Mzd) under “The Companies Ordinance, 1984 u/section 42”. Its Head Office is located in Muzaffarabad, Azad Kashmir with 02 field offices in AJ&K and 01 liaison office in Islamabad. Its program areas are Child rights, education & research, health, livelihood, sustainable development, environment, WASH & energy, governance / advocacy on human rights and Institutional Development. SDO is provincial (AJ&K) secretariat of “Pakistan Coalition for Education” and “Child Rights Movement” while it is member of Trust Law International (UK). SDO has completed many successful projects in child rights, education, energy, health, livelihood, women development and capacity building of Community Organizations. SDO has been successfully engaged in advocacy & research projects to strengthen the citizens’ voice. Its strength is the crew of volunteers and network of Community Organization (COs) and LSOs. SDO has a professional enthusiast senior management team having diversified skills and sound development approach. SMT has the foreign training exposures as well as direct working experience with UN agencies and INGOs in different thematic areas.

A peaceful educated and prosperous society where everyone is enjoying their all human rights equally.

Foundation of organized, educated and peaceful society; support community to gearing socio-economic advancement and sustainable development realigned with UN sustainable development goals for the benefit of the vulnerable communities and marginalized groups. 

Thematic Area
Sub-Thematic Area
Child Rights
1.       Rights & protection
2.       Child labour  
3.       Girl Child 
4.       Special Children Rights
Education and Research
1.       Research Studies
2.       Advocacy for RTE
3.       Primary /Adult Education,
4.       Inclusive Education         
5.       Early childhood,
6.       Post-primary education
1.       Primary health care
2.       MNCH, Establish Maternal & Child Care Centres
3.       Health & Hygiene
4.       Medical camps in remote areas
Sustainable Community  Development
1.       Poverty Alleviation
2.       Rural Development
3.       Youth Development
4.       Sustainable Livelihood
5.       Vocational training,
6.       Agriculture
7.       Economic Empowerment of Women
Good Governance - Human Rights

1.       Child rights / Child protection
2.       Vulnerable groups, Civil society strengthening,
3.       Women’s Issues,
4.       Ensuring and promoting accountability with various stakeholders
WASH & Energy

1.       Renewable Energy (Hydro Power, Solar Power) etc
2.       Clean drinking Water
3.       Sanitation
Biodiversity Conservation
1.       Wildlife Conservation
2.       Natural Resource Management
3.       Forests Protection & Re-forestation
Strengthen Community Organizations
1.       Institutional development
2.       Capacity Building of Community Organizations
3.       Train & mobilize local Activists to participate in development
4.       Good governance in Local Organizations


ü    Right base approach
ü    Volunteerism & Cooperation
ü    Transparency and accountability
ü    Gender  mainstreaming
ü    Collaborative and Participatory Development Approach
ü    Continuous improvement, and
ü    Community comes first

Articulate opportunities, capacity building of community organizations / targeted groups, mobilize resources and implement for sustainable and self-reliant development with active community participation. As well as support the vulnerable groups, under privileged women, youth and children to eradicate poverty through economic empowerment, adequate education, health facilities and services.

SDO is right based organization working for empowerment of the communities especially focusing the vulnerable. The approach is on community centered, action oriented and sustainability. SDO is committed to work in the best interest of underprivileged and vulnerable communities through participatory development strategy and under the provided mandate by the community. After formation a community organizations will be trained to identify their problem and prepare village Profile, Development plan to provide a sound information base for the future for sustainable development. COs at grass root level will be linked with overall organizational framework and the apex forum at district level through the organizational development process. The ultimate aim of the organization is to act as democratic and mandatory organization in order to empower the people who can strive for self-reliant development.

In governance, SDO has a Board of Directors consisting 07 members.  Members of the Board of Directors are elected after a proper democratic election process. BoD has a Chief Executive, a Chairman and five (05) Directors. The tenure of the Chief Executive and Chairman is 03 years, however if the BoD members wish to bring any change an Exra-Ordinary General Meeting can be called for the resolution of the matter. New Directors of the BoD, will be elected from the Advisory Board (AB) of SDO. The AB is consisting of 15 members, while it’s a diverse pool of professional persons working within Development, media and public sectors. These expert people technically guide and lead different programs of SDO on voluntarily basis.


Khurram Shahid
Chief Executive
Human Right Activist
Siddique Hussain
Chairman (BoD)
Head of Program Section)
M.Sc  (Sociology), M.Phil
Malik Wasim
(Head of Advocacy &Campaigning Section)
Project Manager in British Council
M.Sc  (Sociology), M.Phil
Ms. Sadia Qureshi
(Head of DRR Section)
DRR Expert
M.A (Political Science)
Ms. Robina Bashir
(Head of Health Section)
MNCH Expert working with FPAP
M.A (P.S)
Nawaz Khan
Director Operations in SDO
MA (Education) , M.Sc (Sociology)
Director Energy Section
B.S (Electrical Eng)


SDO has a strong accountability & good governance system. The members of the BoD are professional enthusiast team having true spirit of social work. Policies & procedures are developed for the sections, program sectors and organizational management. The organizational management is effective due to strict following the organizational SOPs / policies and sound professional team. All the members are encouraged to ask and participate in overall matters / affairs of the organization and the different programmes. The progress review and planning events are organized frequently, in which the Board members are invited for the contribution in planning and taking important decisions.

The finance record is maintained accordingly the SDO Financial SOPs. So by following all the policies and procedures the accountability and transparency in each step is ensured. SDO ensures that project funds are recorded and maintained in accordance with sound accounting practices. SDO has strong internal controls system sufficient to ensure the accuracy, transparency and reliability of financial information.  The project’s financial transactions / Record are audited annually by independent firm of Auditors.

SDO has its Audit and Financial Management Policies and Procedures (SOPs) which are revised in 2013-2014. The SOPs are strictly followed for the financial management and Audit. The financial transactions / Records are audited annually by independent Chartered Accountants Firms.


Project Title
Partner / Donor
Project Duration
Geographical area
Major Achievements of the Project
Empowering Citizens for accountability in Education system
USAID Citizens Voice Project
Mar 2015 –
Apr 2016
(Azad Jammu & Kashmir)
Hatian, Neelum, Muzaffarabad
Research & Advocacy on Education Reforms through strengthening Civil Society, Media for Improved governance & accountability in Education System (50,000 beneficiaries).


Project Title
Partner / Donor
Project Duration 
Geographical area
Major Achievements of the Project
Hydro Power Project 50 KW 

Jan 2015
Nov 2015
(Janawai, Neelum AJ&K)
Construction of Micro Hydro Power Project 50 KW in Janawai Gurase Valley; provided electricity to more than 250 households
Zakariah  Maternity Centre   
Individual Donor (UK)
(Sep-Nov 2015)
Phullawai, District Neelum
Maternity & Child Care Centre has been established through which a population of 7,000 population is benefiting in UC Gurase Valley District  Neelum.
Social Accountability Research
Pakistan Coalition for Education
June 2015
Muzaffarabad (AJ&K)
Research & Publication on Social Accountability and Education Budget tracking
Establishment of Maternity & Child Care Centre
Kashmir Fund, Denmark
(APR-DEC 2015)
(Haveli, AJ&K)
SDO has established Maternity & Child Care Centre through which population of 10,000 persons are benefiting in Kalamoola District Haveli.
Education Sponsorship Program
IQRA Institute
July –Dec  2014
Muzaffarabad, Hatian (AJ&K)
Provided free books and uniform and annual school fee of 100 students
Advocacy on Child Rights in Kashmir
Child Rights Movement (Pakistan)
Jan-Dec 2014
State of AJ&K
*  Advocacy on Legislation of Child protection Policy and enactment of Article 25-A
* RTE Campaign
*  Campaigns to end all violence against children
* Campaigns to ban child domestic labour
*  Capacity Building CSOs on Child Rights Advocacy
Hydro Power Project
July-Dec 2013
Neelum (AJ&K)
Rehabilitation of Micro Hydro Power Project 50 KW in Gurase Valley providing electricity to more than 300 households
Research on Education Budget Tracking
Pakistan Coalition for Education
The Research on Education Budget Tracking has benefitted the stakeholders in working for education.
Right to Education
Pakistan Coalition for Education
Bagh, Muzaffarabad, Neelum (AJ&K)
Awareness raising among the Civil Society more than 10,000 people, and influenced the politicians and policy makers for legislation & effective implementation of RTE in Kashmir.
Skill Development Program وسیلہ روزگار
ERP Institute of Management
Jan-June 2013
Neelum (AJ&K)
Improved livelihood 353 families by skill enhancement & stipend to  353 people through Vocational Training Program (VTP)
Water Supply Schemes
HWF, Pakistan
May- Dec 2013
Gurase Valley (AJ&K
Water Supply schemes in 03 villages benefited more than 4000 people in Gurase Valley  through clean and safe drinking water
Hydro Power / Irrigation Channel
July - Nov 2012
 Neelum (AJ&K)
Improved livelihood of more than 2000 people by Irrigation Channel construction
Research & Advocacy on Nature Conservation
 Neelum (AJ&K)
Research and Advocacy campaign created awareness among 3500 people, while 5 VCC managers are sensitized to nature conservation
Girls Model School
IQRA Trust
Neelum (AJ&K)
Established Community Model School for Girls providing quality education to 55 girls
Free Medical Camps
Capital Medical Store
Neelum (AJ&K)
Improved health of 500 people through free medicine / medical camp for poor community

SDO has implemented many sound projects in 2010-2011; which are in kind supported by different national / INGOs.


Name of Network/Organization
Date of Membership
Youth Services America (YSA) - USA
January 15, 2015
National Humanitarian Network (NHN)
September 30, 2014
International Association for People & Performance Development  (IAPPD) UK
Aug 01, 2014
Trust Law International (UK)
Oct 7, 2013
World Wide fund for Nature (WWF) Pakistan
May 20, 2013
Child Rights Movement (CRM)
Jun 10, 2012
Pakistan Coalition for Education (PCE)
Jan 01, 2012

Ø SDO Pictorial: Project activities’ pictures are available at
v  Facebook: SDO. Org
v  Twitter:

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